Season of Giving Virtual Blood Drive.

All December long, I am partnering with Vitalant to sponsor a “Season of Giving Virtual Blood Drive.” Rather than a single day event, anyone wishing to donate is encouraged to schedule an appointment anytime during the month of December at Vitalant’s donation centers in Crystal Lake or Gurnee. Read More Here.
Holiday Toy Drive.

I am partnering with fellow Lake County State Representatives and the Lake County Treasurer’s Office to spread good cheer this holiday season through a toy collection drive. Unwrapped gifts will be collected through December 16, and all toys will be donated to the Lake County Sheriff’s Office for distribution to agencies across the county. To donate, contact my office by phone at 847-629-5439 or email at to coordinate your donation. Read More Here.
Response to latest indictments of Madigan allies; He needs to go.

It has been obvious for months now that Mike Madigan is at the heart of the corruption scandal involving ComEd. The latest indictments of four allies linked directly to him make it clear beyond any doubt about his involvement. Since Madigan still refuses to step down, even though the number of House Democrats who have said they will not support him for another term as Speaker continues to grow, the Special Investigating Committee must be reconvened to take action. The only way to restore any slight notion of trust in Illinois government is for Mike Madigan to go. Read More Here.
Update: Illinois plans for vaccine distribution.

Illinois is readying distribution plans for the COVID-19 vaccine. Vaccination will be voluntary and rolled out in multiple phases across the state. Details of the plan and roll-out phases are available by Clicking Here.
BIG Grants application deadline upcoming December 15, 2020.

The Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) is informing small businesses and communities that the application period for the Business Interruption Grant (BIG) program will close at 5pm on Tuesday, December 15. DCEO and its grant administration and outreach partners are reminding small business owners to get their application in if they haven’t already. Applying is easy, and DCEO along with its grant administrators Accion and WBDC have developed a menu of resources and technical assistance to help small businesses in need qualify for grants. Read More Here.
Petition: reject Madigan’s tax increase.

Last month voters resoundingly rejected Governor JB Pritzker’s referendum for an overarching Democratic tax increase. Just a little over 30 days later, Mike Madigan ignored the will of the voters by promising House Democrats an income tax increase in exchange for their votes to retain him as Speaker for his 20th term. Sign the petition to tell Mike Madigan Illinois cannot afford more taxes. Click Here to Sign.