The stresses of the past year have laid bare a lot of uncomfortable truths about our lives and our government. Not unsurprisingly, a majority of Illinoisans think we’re on the wrong track. Government isn’t supposed to get in folk’s way. Illinois can’t expect the government to fix its problems until we fix ourselves. To do that we need to reimagine an Illinois government that works for the people.
The Illinois House Republican plan is simple: end the culture of corruption, establish responsible fiscal leadership, grow jobs and opportunities, and ensure public safety. These are bipartisan issues. They’re issues that are important to all Illinoisans. They’re uncontroversial and they’re common sense.
Let’s end the culture of corruption in Illinois by eliminating conflicts of interests, removing partisan politics from drawing legislative boundaries and giving citizens more control of their government. Let’s keep Illinois taxpayers top of mind when it comes to balancing the budget, opening up the budget process to all, taking on pension reform and tackling government inefficiencies. Let’s institute policies that recognize a well-trained workforce equals job growth, that protect the health and well-being of families, and allow job creators to grow across our state. Let’s make sure public safety officials are prepared for their positions, help recruit and retain the best and the brightest in law enforcement, and ensure every Illinois family has a neighborhood free of violence.
The Republican House Caucus has done the work; we’ve filed the legislation. The bills deserve a fair shake. Please join us in supporting these pillars. For more information, visit Together we can build a better Illinois.