IDNR Hosting OSLAD Grant Information Zoom Event

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) is hosting an informational zoom on the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development Grant (OSLAD) Program on Wednesday May 15 at 11:00 a.m.

The OSLAD Program is a state-financed grant program that provides funding assistance to local government agencies for acquisition and/or development of land for public parks and open space. The federal Land & Water Conservation Fund program (known as both LWCF and LAWCON) is a similar program with similar objectives. Both are managed in Illinois by the Department of Natural Resources with concurrent application due dates, equal grant maximums and similar general rules.

Park districts and units of local government are invited to attend the May 15 zoom event to learn about the application process for OSLAD, how the grant works, and more!

Here is the link for the event: OSLAD Grant Submission Webinar for Potential Applicants.