Rep. Weber Responds to Democrats Passing Largest Budget in State History

Following the passage of the Fiscal Year 2025 State Budget in the Illinois House of Representatives, State Representative Tom Weber (R-Lake Villa) released the following statement:

“This is a historic day; Illinois Democrats have voted to enact the largest spending plan in state history. A $53.1 billion state budget that spends $2.6 billion more than last year and includes a billion dollars in tax hikes, a billion dollars for non-citizens, another billion dollars in gimmicks to hide the true cost of their spending, and even gives themselves a taxpayer-funded pay raise.

“What do the taxpayers get? Well, Democrats may have eliminated the grocery tax, and you can bet they’re going to brag about it, but they know it means nothing because tucked into that little tax elimination is giving local governments the ability to implement their own tax without voter approval. It’s just another Democrat election-year gimmick.

“Inflation is still hammering the budgets of families and small businesses across Illinois. Our buying power is being devalued daily. Meanwhile, taxes go up, and gas prices are still sky-high, yet Democrats still seem more interested in funding migrants than services for our most vulnerable citizens, like the developmentally disabled and disabled veterans.

“The unsustainable path we are on is only looking bleaker as Democrats have increased bonding authority by nearly $8 billion as well. This whole budget package increases state spending by more than $13 billion in just the past four years. That’s a 32 percent increase in state spending over four years. It’s completely unsustainable.

“I voted No on this overtly partisan, fiscally irresponsible budget and will continue to fight for taxpayers and against the skyrocketing property taxes that are forcing families, young and old, out of their homes and driving so many families and businesses out of our state.”