
Friday, May 19, 2023
Rep. Weber Provides Update on Failure to Meet Budget Deadline

Today, May 19, 2023, was supposed to be the deadline for the Illinois General Assembly to finalize the fiscal year 2024 state budget and conclude the spring legislative session. Instead,…

Friday, May 19, 2023
Rep. Weber Recognizes Local USS Horne Veterans

Speaking on the Floor of the Illinois House of Representatives, State Rep. Tom Weber recognized local veterans who served on the USS Horne and thanked them for their service.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Rep. Weber Files Legislation to Ensure Traffickers Can’t be Foster Parents

State Representative Tom Weber has filed legislation, House Bill 4095, to ensure that under no circumstances can anyone previously convicted of human trafficking or sex trafficking be allowed to serve…

Friday, May 12, 2023
Rep. Weber Calls for Preservation of Youth Scholarship Program

Speaking on the House floor, State Representative Tom Weber (R-Lake Villa) called for the preservation of the Invest in Kids Tax Credit Scholarship Program that allows low-income families to obtain…

Thursday, May 11, 2023
Rep. Weber Questions Narrow Approach to Address Public Safety

Speaking during a committee hearing on another piece of knee-jerk reaction legislation, State Representative Tom Weber (R-Lake Villa) questioned why the legislation only targets firearms but advertisements for other products,…

Tuesday, May 9, 2023
On Fentanyl Awareness Day, Rep. Weber Calls for Action

On Fentanyl Awareness Day, State Rep. Tom Weber calls for action to address the traffickers and drug dealers bringing this deadly drug to our streets.

Monday, May 8, 2023
Rep. Weber Presents – District 64 Rocks: Volo

Join State Rep. Tom Weber for an episode of District 64 Rocks as he showcases some of the attractions in the District. This episode features Volo, IL, home to Volo…

Thursday, May 4, 2023
Rep. Weber Presents Proposals to Fix DCFS

At the beginning of the 103rd General Assembly, House Republican Leader McCombie Tony McCombie (R-Savana) established several working groups within the House Republican Caucus to develop legislation for the priorities…

Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Rep. Weber Welcomes Fox Waterway Agency to the Capitol

Speaking on the House floor, State Rep. Tom Weber welcomed Fox Waterway Agency Director Joe Keller to the Capitol and highlighted the work the agency does to support the waterway…

Thursday, April 20, 2023
Rep. Weber Speaks Out Against Unnecessary Vehicle Repossession

Speaking in opposition to House Bill 1527, State Representative Tom Weber (R-Lake Villa) called for maintaining current standards that allow residents to avoid costly vehicle repossession and damage to their…